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This listing is for a pre-recorded class.

Please note this recording expires on 29th April 2025


What are Drawing Rules?


Drawing Rules are ideas we have picked up about what we can and cannot do when drawing. These are subconscious ideas received from all sorts of sources - education, family, friends, culture at large. In Jo’s work as an educator she has seen many, many rules at play whilst people draw. These rule are very restrictive and inhibiting. 


What are these workshops? 


This series of online classes  investigate the subconscious rules that hold us back from looser, more creative & more expressive drawing. Each class is structured around a single theme. Through questions, examples, demonstrations and exercises you will discover ways to break the drawing rules that may be holding you back. The theme for this class is TOOLS. 


How do we approach our drawing tools? Do we use the same old media, without thought of new methods? Are there items we think of as 'proper' tools for drawing/art? What do we think 'proper' artists use? What influences our choice of tools and how can we feel free to improvise, invent and explore? What ARE tools for drawing? What AREN'T tools for drawing? 


This is an experimental class which will help you reflect on and take notice of how you draw. Each session will include experimental mark making and the application of techniques to other forms of drawing such as observational drawing. These classes are designed to get you PLAYING. 


This class is suitable for any level of experience 


This class is suitable for you if… 


  • You feel stuck in a rut 
  • You want to play more but don’t know how
  • You have loads of materials but are too scared to use them
  • You have some favourite drawing tools but you'd like to expand your repetoire!



What do I need for this workshop?


Links in the PDF you can download on purchase 




ANY drawing materials are suitable.

This could include but is not limited to - marker pens, biros, pencils, crayons, pens, charcoal, graphite, soft pastels, oil pastels, paint sticks


A kind of fluid media - watercolour, ink, poster paint, acrylic paint, even coffee if thats all you have!


Paper - any kind any size. 

But we encourage you to find some sort of large surface you can draw on - recycled cardboard, packing paper, or any large paper


In addition for this class: 

Worn out pens/markers 

An eraser and an erasable tool 

Drawing tools you dislike! Those materials you bought, but tend not to use. 

sturdy stick (this could be a long paintbrush handle, a garden cane or a long wooden spoon!)


Blinfold/eyemask or a scarf you can use instead

Scrap materials - Rags, scrap paper, scraps of string, bits of card 



Do ask if you have any questions! 

Drawing Rules - TOOLS - Recording

£15.00 Regular Price
£10.00Sale Price
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